About this Blog

This Blog follows, discusses, and criticizes current science in the news. It was created with Living Environment students in mind! The blog helps to bring boring text book material to life, showing the importance of science in our everyday lives. It is easy to read, leaving unnecessary hard to follow terminology out, and often adding a touch humor.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why Cry?

Did you ever wonder WHY we cry, or at least why it makes us FEEL BETTER? Think about it....how is it that the combination of shaking/convulsing while loudly wailing and releasing liquid from the eye balls can make someone feel better?!?! OKOKOK, even if you don't go as far as convulsing and even if you insist you cry in silence....you can't deny the fact that crying can make you feel better in intense periods of sadness, being overwhelmed, even being overly joyous! Even if temporarily, crying can release tension enough to emotionally regroup. So WHY is that?!?!

The answer......Crying releases chemicals through your tears, that rid the body of wastes and toxins that have built up due to stress! Scientists have even found out that these chemicals are only in "emotional" tears, and not in "reflex tears". Reflex tears are the tears that are produced when you peel an onion for an example. Reflex tears are mostly water, whereas emotional tears contain these chemicals in addition to water. So next time you are crying, just remember that it is nature's way of helping deal with stress and helping you remain healthy.

Check out these sites if you want to learn more!

Tearful Serenity: Crying Away the Stress
How Crying Works

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