About this Blog

This Blog follows, discusses, and criticizes current science in the news. It was created with Living Environment students in mind! The blog helps to bring boring text book material to life, showing the importance of science in our everyday lives. It is easy to read, leaving unnecessary hard to follow terminology out, and often adding a touch humor.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Synthetic Organisms?!

Scientists for the first time have created a synthetic cell, completely controlled by man-made genetic instructions. It is claimed though that these are very much real cells, even having the ability to reproduce! This new ability to create life, an entire organism, offers a very new power over life. Of course it could be used for very beneficial purposes, such as curing diseases, but I am left with a major ethical dilemma. I feel very, very unsettled about this whole thing. As much good as this research could do, is it moral or ethical to manipulate life like that? Or not even to manipulate life, but to create something that is living that is forced to live with the genetic code, and perform the tasks that a scientist created. Some people feel that these scientists are just doing what ever they can to disprove God. I don't feel that they are doing that, but I feel that if left in the hands of the wrong person, very bad things could happen. Think about it. After created, these "synthetic" cells take on a life of their own and are able to reproduce and live without help from humans! That is creepy. Creepy because scientists are combining this new found power with chemistry, computer science, molecular biology, genetics and cell biology to breed industrial life forms that can secrete fuels, vaccines or other commercial products. That is what is unsettling to me. What if a bio/computer life form is created, something that we are used to hearing about in "sci-fi" movies? These things are happening now, and this certainly isn't the movies. These life forms technically can be "all-knowing" individuials that can reproduce by themselves.  Scary? Yes.

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