Okay, well we do live in a world that is largely "poop" phobic, or better put, germ phobic. We have those people OBSESSED with washing their hands, or maybe bathing with those little Purell bottles, other people who refuse to shake hands with others (RUDE?!) etc. But do they realize that they encounter wastes (and germs) all the time?! Two examples that shock some, while pleasantly put a smile on my face are BAD BREATH and ALCOHOL!
First of all....many people don't realize that A LOT of bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Well, that might be known....but what people don't realize...is WHAT causes the smell associated with bad breath. Here it is put simply.....EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD HAS NATURAL BACTERIA IN THEIR MOUTH (same with the rest of the body). The difference with bad breath.....is that if you don't brush your teeth as you should....the bits and pieces of FOOD in your mouth provide FOOD for the BACTERIA! Therefore they are able to eat and reproduce like crazy (PARTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!) and after ingesting (eating the food) and digesting the food (breaking it down) they DO release wastes JUST LIKE EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD! In the process of DIGESTING the food that YOU fed them by not brushing your teeth, they are releasing SULFUR as a bi-product....the very same (repulsive) smell released when anyone "cuts the cheese". So that's kind of gross, right?! What you are smelling when you smell bad breath due to bacteria build up, is the same exact chemical that is released from the anus of anyone releasing gas. Gross!
Secondly....many people do know that alcohol is made by the process of fermentation (alcohol fermation...remember??!). But what many DON'T realize with the whole yeast/fermentation of alcohol thing....is that what is released from the living organisms to produce alcohol is a waste product! Well, at least it's not a smelly sulfur gas as with teeth brushing.....but in order to get drunk, you have to drink the WASTE PRODUCTS of another living organism!
Now only imagine if our poop was that valuable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!